About Us
A Few Words
About Us
MITHAQ AL SHARQIA TRANSPORT CO aims to be best in GCC for Transport logistic Terminal Management, Warehousing and inventory management, Custom clearance by exceeding industry best practises by use of technologi- cal innovation and focus of customer satisfaction whilst being a safe, reliable, efficient, environmentally friendly and satisfying to both users and operators
Our main Goal in the next 5 years is to be a brand Leader by expand opera- tions first to GCC countries and then globally in Transport logistic Terminal Management, Warehousing and inventory management, Custom clearance by developing ERP systems and online service portals and strategic collaborations in many locations with selected best service providers We value customer Satisfaction as our most important indicator and pay attention to building a long term relationship with our clients and other stakeholders.
We have a contracts management team to ensure 100 % delivery of deliverables.
We allocate drivers with over 5 years experience. We commit to 98% on time delivery.
Our fleet is ready to start work on 1/1/2022 for 3 years, daily dispatch more than 50 trailers.
All the trucks/drivers we mobilized with valid permits issued by Government authorities.
has a comprehensive integrated management system.
(Quality Safety and Environmental System and SQAS (Safety Quality Assessment Sustainability Certified) with competent and qualified staff competent& qualified management & Team with over 50 years from sultan family with a track record of customer satisfaction focused contract fulfilment.
Annual Training plan with well trained management, Drivers, engineers, logistic service terminal Management & warehouse and custom clearance experts.
Please view picture to get idea of integrated IMS on right A Master list of docu- ments ISO/SQAS 80252 based with over 200 documents categorised into poli- cies procedures for each services and including SQAS system and use of ERP resort system to be in line with industry best practices.
Customer Satisfaction
These are the points which you should know about the company.
- We have a complete customer Satisfaction plan starting from tracking the contract signed to the deliverables with assigned KPI monitoring.
- We evaluate our customer satisfaction and analyse any complaints for corrective and preventive action by use of a dedicated team.
- We have not received any client score less than 3. We have 99% track record for customer satisfaction
- Our Price Quality and Service including Safety and timeliness has been maintained over 50 years.
- We are a reliable and renowned service provider.
- We have been appreciated by many leading clients including Sabic